Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf In Hindi

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As per Rule 15 of CCS Conduct Rules 1964, Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government hold an elective office, or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body, whether incorporated or not

15.Private trade or employment

CCS CONDUCT RULES ( in Hindi) FOR CENTRAL GOVT. Posted by Admin Jan 26, 2014 0 comments CCS CONDUCT RULES ( in Hindi) FOR CENTRAL GOVT. The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of the Ministry of Finance, etc. To the Central Civil Services (Conduct) (Amendment) Rules, 1973 issued under the Department of Personnel Notification No. 25/57/64-Ests.(A) dated which seeks to amend rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 in certain respects and also introduces a. Form 1- Giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (2) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Transaction of immovable property. FORM-I Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 18 (2) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 for transaction in respect of immovable property.

(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government-

(a) engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or

(b) negotiate for, or undertake, any other employment, or

(c) hold an elective office, or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body, whether incorporated or not, or

(d) canvass in support of any business of insurance agency, commission agency, etc., owned or managed by any member of his family, or Autocad civil 3d 2016 download.

(e) take part except in the discharge of his official duties, in the registration, promotion or management of any bank or other company registered or required to be registered, under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) or any other law for the time being in force, or of any co-operative society for commercial purposes.

(f) participate in or associate himself in any manner in the making of-

(i) a sponsored media (radio or television) programme; or

(ii) a media programme commissioned by Government media but produced by a private agency; or

(iii) a privately produced media programme including video magazine:
Provided that no previous permission shall be necessary in case where the Government servant participates in a programme produced or commissioned by Government media in his official capacity.

(2) A Government servant may, without the previous sanction of the Government,-

Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf In Hindi Pdf

(a) undertake honorary work of a social or charitable nature, or


(b) undertake occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character,or

(c) participate in sports activities as an amateur, or /gta-v-for-ppsspp-ios.html.

(d) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of an elective office) of a literary, scientific or charitable society or of a club or similar organisation, the aims or objects of which relate to promotion of sports, cultural or recreational activities, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or any other law for the time being in force, or

(e) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of elective office) of a co-operative society substantially for the benefit of Government servants, registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912), or any other law for the time being in force:
Provided that: –

(i) he shall discontinue taking part in such activities, if so directed by the Government; and

(ii) in a case falling under clause (d) or clause(e) of this sub-rule, his official duties shall not suffer thereby and he shall, within a period of one month of his taking part in such activity, report to the Government giving details of the nature of his participation.

(3) Every Government servant shall report to the Government if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or business or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency.

(4) Unless otherwise provided by general or special orders of the Government, no Government servant may accept any fee for any work done by him for any private or public body or any private person without the sanction of the prescribed authority.EXPLANATION- The term ‘fee’ used here shall have the meaning assigned to it in Fundamental Rule 9 (6-A).

Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf In Hindi Dubbed

Click to Read : Provisions of rule 15 regarding the holding of elective office by Government servants in Co-operative Societies

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The central civil service conduct rules, 1964 impose various restrictions on central govt employees. Some Do’s and Don’ts applicable to employees are given below.

Do’s :-

  1. Maintain absolute integrity all times.
  2. Maintain absolute devotion to duty at all times.
  3. Those holding responsible posts – maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of your duties.
  4. Maintain decent and responsible conduct in their private life.
  5. Observe proper decorum during lunch break.
  6. Render prompt and courteous service to the public.
  7. Report to the superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a Criminal court and the circumstances connected therewith, as soon as it is possible to do so.
  8. Keep away from demonstrations organized by political parties in the vicinity/ neighborhood of government offices.
  9. Manage private affairs in such a way as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency.
  10. Maintain political neutrality.
  11. Act in accordance with the government policies.
  12. Observe courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State Legislatures.
  13. If any legal proceedings are instituted for the recovery of any debt due from you or for adjusting you as an insolvent, report the full facts of such proceedings to the competent authority.
  14. In performance of duties in good faith, communicate information to a person in accordance with the ‘Right to Information Act, 2005’ and the rules made there under.

Don’ts :-

  1. Do not indulge in acts unbecoming of a government servant.
  2. Do not be discourteous, dishonest of partial.
  3. Do not make joint representations in matters of common interest.
  4. Do not adopt dilatory tactics in your dealings with public.
  5. Do not convey oral instructions to subordinates.
  6. Do not practice untouchability
  7. Do not associate yourself with any banned organizations.
  8. Do not join any association or demonstration whose objects or activities are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, Public order or morality.
  9. Do not give expression to views on Indian or foreign affairs, while visiting foreign countries.
  10. Do not get involved in unauthorized communication of any official document or any pat thereof or classified information to any government servant or any other persons to whom you are not authorized to communicate such document of classified information.
  11. Do not joint or support an illegal strike.
  12. Do not enter into any private correspondence with foreign Embassies or Missions.
  13. Do not accept lavish or frequent hospitality from any individual, industrial or commercial firms, organizations, etc having official dealings with you.
  14. Do not accept any offer of the cost of passage to foreign countries or hospitality by way of free board and lodging there, if such offers are from foreign firms contracting with Govt.
  15. Do not accept invitations to you and members of your family for free inaugural flights offered by Air India, Indian airlines Corportation or foreign Airlines.
  16. Do not give or take or abet giving or taking of dowry or demand any dowry directly or indirectly from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom.
  17. Do not accept any gift from any foreign firm which is having official dealings.
  18. Do not engage yourself in canvassing business of life insurance Agency, commission agency or advertising agency owned or managed by the members of your family.
  19. Do not lend or borrow money from or deposit money as a member or agent, with any person, firm or private company with whom you likely to have official dealings. Do not otherwise place yourself under pecuniary obligation with such person, firm or private company.
  20. Do not approach your subordinates for standing surety for loans taken from private sources either by your / your relations / friends.
  21. Do not undertake private consultancy work.
  22. Do not speculate in any stock, share or other investment.
  23. Do not purchase shares out of the quota reserved for friends and associates of Directors of companies.
  24. Do not bid at any auction of property where such auction is arranged by your own officers.
  25. Do not stay as guest with foreign diplomats or foreign national in India.
  26. Do not invite any foreign diplomat to stay with you as a guest in India.
  27. Do not accept or permit your wife or dependents to accept passage money or free air transport from a foreign Mission/ Government or Organization.
  28. Do not bring any political influence in matters pertaining to your service.
  29. Do not consume any intoxicating drinks or dungs while on duty.
  30. Do not appear in public place in a state of intoxication.
  31. Do not indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at her work place.
  32. Do not employee children below 14 years of age.
  33. Do not accept award of monetary benefits instituted by private trusts/ Foundations , etc.


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